Ability to completely customise the treatment by controlling the depth and heat induced into the skin. This make tailoring the treatment to each individual concerns very easy.
During a laser peel, the laser gently removes 4-50 microns from the epidermis to promote regeneration of the skin, which results in a smoother more youthful look and Glowing radiant skin.
The treatment improves fine lines, wrinkles, pigmentation, tone and texture, and reduces enlarged pores. Additionally, the thermal properties of the laser penetrate deeper into the dermis to stimulate the production of collagen.Skin still will appear red after treatment and will feel similar to a sunburn. This will settle within 1-2 days. Shedding is also expected up to 7 days post treatment.
Advanced Micropeel: Standard Micropeel with option to add another resurfacing modality, this can be discussed with your therapist.