Notes from Maï
For the past 24 years, I have connected with clients of all ages, and by guiding them into their own journey, I found myself also diving into mine.
As a young therapist trying to manoeuvre my way through the beauty industry, I realised that to feel true happiness, other aspects of myself also needed to be seen. Today, I am choosing to show up in my most authentic way, by raising awareness about a topic that am passionate about. Society is allowing new beauty standards to reach dangerous levels by accepting that face apps and enhancing filters become the new normal. Most of us will struggle to reach these standards in real life, unless we choose to go for more enhancing type options, like agressive dermal treatments, or injectables. The danger poses when these treatments are performed on clients that are too young and vulnerable to handle the emotional and physical changes, and will possibly risk over treating or over filling, causing irreversible physical damage to the skin. This outcome can result in anxiety, depression, addiction, and fear.
I created skin to heart because I believe that with the genuine care and guidance, the best physical version of ourselves can be reached at any age, with the appropriate treatments plan, and the correct mind set. Nowadays, youth is experiencing tremendous suffering with mental health, who are more inclined to look for ways to feel better and quicker, through consumerism. And the more we accept mindlessly what is being served to us via social media, and other platforms, the further away from our truest and happiest selves we will be.
Beauty is a spiritual concept, and it has the power to move us and inspire us. Beauty can put us in a state of aw. Just like a child can be in aw of a beautiful face, it is in us all to recognise it as an energising experience. But the truest form of Beauty has a more profound meaning than just what meets the eye. When we break away from what society expects of us, and become our true selves, we tap into our true essence, we meet with our heart. When we live from the heart, our beauty spreads beyond the skin and radiates out of us into the world, to help others, to be kind to ourselves, and to heal. To recognise and accept our own beauty at every age, and every stage, is a lifestyle choice. To me, real beauty means to show up for ourselves with respect, and compassion, to grow in awareness and to enhance our physical, emotional and spiritual selves along the way. It is freedom, and That is what beauty truely means to me!

“Find a job you love and you will never work a day in your life” Confucius.
Ever since I was a young girl, I was captivated by the world of beauty: the creams, textures, and scents that transformed a person's appearance and mood. I vividly remember accompanying my mother to her facial appointment at the beauty parlour and being mesmerized by the elegant beautician in her white outfit. She exuded grace and her exquisite scent enveloped the room. In her presence, I felt a sense of calm and belonging. From that moment, I knew I wanted to follow in her footsteps.
In 2001, I graduated with a diploma in beauty therapy from Victoria University. Seeking new experiences and a desire to learn, I made the leap to Europe in 2006. It was there that I discovered the immaculate spa industry, working at the most prestigious 5-star spas in Paris. With my bilingual abilities, I even transitioned to an international training role within the same company. I had the opportunity to attend luxury beauty events on the French Riviera during the festive seasons.
These incredible experiences opened doors to new opportunities for my career. I embraced my first managerial role as the head of a Parisian skin and body center, specializing in advanced laser hair removal, body contouring solutions, and cutting-edge anti-aging treatments.
In 2011, life brought me back to Melbourne, and shortly after, I became a mother. Determined to expand my knowledge, I pursued a bachelor's degree in dermal sciences. This path introduced me to the world of cosmetic medicine, where I had the privilege of working alongside skilled cosmedic physicians and surgeons in their facilities.
Today, I am incredibly grateful to have turned my passion into a rewarding 23-year career. I have had the opportunity to work with renowned cosmeceutical brands, collaborate with exceptional therapists and practitioners, and gain valuable insights into the world of skin health.
Find a job you love, and you truly will never work a day in your life. I can confidently say that I have found that love, and I am thrilled to continue practicing my skills and sharing my knowledge in the pursuit of healthy and radiant skin for all.